VIRTUAL ACCESS to the SpliTech 2022 Conference
SpliTech 2022 Conference is held in Hybrid form – live in the hotel Elaphusa, Bol (island of Brač), Croatia, with virtual access through the web platform.
To get the best experience possible for SpliTech we advise you to connect through the following link:
Instructions for presenting on SpliTech 2022 can be found on the following link:
All “virtual” authors are encouraged to present the paper in real – time connecting to the streaming link within the app.
The video is included as a part of the back – up and can be shared for cases of connection problems. Also, videos can be available for watching later to catch up with some “missed” talks due to the parallel sessions.
All presenting (VIRTUAL) authors are, however, required to be connected to their session, to be available for the Q&A’s.
Conference technical support team is available for assistance in case of any uncertainities.
For the 7th consecutive year, University of Split (FESB) is organizing 4-day scientific/professional/industry conference that will take place in Split and Bol (island of Brac), Croatia, together with the virtual access to the conference, July 5-8, 2022. Participants are encouraged to submit proposals related to the fields of the topics: IoT, RFID, Smart Cities, Energy and Health.
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
March 25, 2022
March 25, 2022
APRIL 1, 2022
Notification of acceptance: May 02, 2022
Camera ready paper: May 20, 2022
May 27, 2022
General co-chair

TPC chair
TPC chair
Publishing chair
Industry Workshop co-chair
Industry Workshop co-chair
Publicity co-chair
Publicity co-chair
Publication chair
Doctoral Symposia chairRoko Andričević, University of Split, Croatia
Muslum Arici, Kocaeli University, Turkey
Luigi Atzori, University of Cagliari, Italy
Frano Barbir, University of Split, Croatia
Mateo Bašić, University of Split, Croatia
Zoran Blažević, University of Split, Croatia
Flaminio Borgonovo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alessandro Bramanti, STMicroElectronics Lecce, Italy
Ivona Brandić, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Luca Catarinucci, University of Salento, Italy
Alexander Cheng, University of Mississippi, USA
Y.P. Chiu Chaoyang, University of Technology, Taiwan
Lucio Ciabattoni, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Tomazs Cholewa, University of Lublin, Poland
Risto Ciconkov, University Ss Cyril and Metdhoius, Macedonia
Riccardo Colella, University of Salento, Italy
Ivica Crnković, Chalmers University, Sweden
Inigo Cuinas, University of Vigo, Spain
Mario Cvetković, University of Split, Croatia
Vedrana Cvitanić, University of Split, Croatia
Stipo Čelar, University of Split, Croatia
Duje Čoko, University of Split, Croatia
Ivo Čolak, Univeristy of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nedijb Djilali, University of Victoria, Canada
Vicko Dorić, University of Split, Croatia
Pasquale Dottorato, LAB ID Bologna, Italy
Khalil El Khamlichi Drissi, Blaise Pascal University, France
Natalija Filipović, University of Split, Croatia
Rajit Gadh, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) USA
Mirela Galić, University of Split, Croatia
Jose Vicente García Ortiz, University of Florida, Spain
Tonko Garma, University of Split, Croatia
Giuseppe Ghisa, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato (IPZS), Italy
Efrosni Giama, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Blaž Gotovac, University of Split, Croatia
Hrvoje Gotovac, University of Split, Croatia
Sven Gotovac, University of Split, Croatia
Vera Gradišnik, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Tomislav Grgić, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Alen Harapin, University of Split, Croatia
Carles Anton Haro, CCTC, Spain
Željko Hećimović, University of Split, Croatia
Adnan Ibrahimbegović, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France
Damir Jakus, University of Split, Croatia
Antonio Jara, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HEVS – HES-SO) & HOP Ubiquitous, Switzerland
Maro Jelic, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
Danijela Kalibovic Govorko, University of Split, Croatia
Alain Kassab, University of Central Florida, USA
Önder Kizilkan, Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey
Branko Klarin, University of Split, Croatia
Jiri Jaromir Klemes, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Sandra Kostić, University of Split, Croatia
Ivica Kozar, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Jakov Krstulović Opara, University of Split, Croatia
Mario Kušek, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Damir Lazarević, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Chew Tin Lee, Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia
Kristian Lenić, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Alfiero Leoni, University of L’Aquila, Italy
Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Nuno Vasco Lopes, University of Minho, Portugal
Dino Lovrić, University of Split, Croatia
Željan Lozina, University of Split, Croatia
Rino Lucić, University of Split, Croatia
Luca Maintetti, University of Salento, Italy
Herbert Mang, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
George Manos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ivan Marasović, University of Split, Croatia
Sven Maričić, UniPu/Science-Technology Institute VISIO, UniRi/MedRi, Croatia
Snježana Mardešić, University of Split, Croatia
Gaetano Marrocco, Universita’ di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy
Maja Matijašević, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Gianluca Mazzini, University of Ferrara & LepidaSpA, Italy
Massimo Merenda, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Austria
Željka Milanović, University of Pula, Croatia
Predrag Miščević, University of Split, Croatia
Tonći Modrić, University of Split, Croatia
Marina Mongiello, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Tariq Muneer, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Andreas Ochsner, Griffith University, Australia
Roger Owen, Swansea University, United Kingdom
Joško Ožbolt, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Paolo Paolini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Vladan Papić, University of Split, Croatia
Claudio Pastrone, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB), Italy
Luigi Patrono, University of Salento, Italy
Vesna Pekic, University of Split, Croatia
Lucia Pepa, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Mato Perić, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Toni Perković, University of Split, Croatia
Stefano Pieretti, Instituto Superiore di Sanita Rome, Italy
Ivana Podnar Žarko, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Vedran Podobnik, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Dragan Poljak, University of Split, Croatia
Petar Popovski, Aalborg University, Denmark
Vladan Prodanović, Univeristy of British Columbia, Canada
Farhad Rachidi, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Joško Radić, University of Split, Croatia
Antonio Rizzi, University of Parma, Italy
Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Senac Faculty of Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, Brazil; Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
Maja Rogić Vidaković, University of Split, Croatia
Michele Ruta, Technical University of Bari, Italy
Petar Sarajčev, University of Split, Croatia
Nicoletta Saulig, University of Pula,Croatia
Bernhard Schrefler, University of Padova, Italy
Pritee Sharma, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India
Benson Shing, University of California San Diego, USA
Čedomir Stefanović, Aalborg University, Denmark
Vincenzo Stornelli, University of L’Aquila, Italy
Silvestar Šesnić, University of Split, Croatia
Petar Šolić, University of Split, Croatia
Antonio Tadeu, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Kumar Tamma, University of Minnesota, USA
Theodoros Theodosiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Giuseppe Marco Tina, University of Catania, Italy
Sergey Tkachenko, Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany
Boris Trogrlić, University of Split, Croatia
Robert Turrall, Turrall Consulting, Switzerland
Umit Unver, Yalova University, Turkey
Antonio Vilei, STMicroElectronics Lecce, Italy
Christos Verikoukis, CTTC, Spain
Frane Vlak, University of Split, Croatia
Dejan Vukobratović, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Katarina Vukojević, University of Split, Croatia
Da Yan, Tsinghua University, China
Jesus Alonso Zarate, CCTC, Spain
Bin Zhao, Tsinghua University, China
Zlatko Živković, University of Split, Croatia
Petar Šolić, (Conference Secretary), University of Split, Croatia
Ana Čulić, (Conference Secretary), University of Split, Croatia
Toni Perković, University of Split, Croatia
Marina Aglić Čuvić, University of Split, Croatia
Joško Božić, University of Split, Croatia
Lea Dujić Rodić, University of Split, Croatia
Duje Čoko, University of Split, Croatia
Ana Čulić, University of Split, Croatia
Natalija Filipović, University of Split, Croatia
Mišo Jurčević, University of Split, Croatia
Ante Kriletić, University of Split, Croatia
Sandro Nižetić, University of Split, Croatia
Toni Perković, University of Split, Croatia
Petar Šolić, University of Split, Croatia
Kristina Zovko, University of Split, Croatia
Roberta Carluccio, Social Media Specialist, Italy
Tina Masnic, Visual Communication Desginer, Croatia

“Cooling the Cities : Impact of Overheating and
Mitigation Science”

Manos M.
“Inkjet-/3D-/4D-Printed “Zero-Power” RFID-enabled Wireless Ultrabroadband Modules for IoT, SmartAg and Smart Cities Applications”

“RFID in the Industrial IoT era: Data-Driven Approaches for Monitoring Plants and Goods”

“RFID Vehicles: a Pervasive Solution for Item Tracking and Beyond”

“Scheduling Real-Time Applications in Cloud, Fog and Mist Environments”

“Building energy flexibility and demand side management”

“Progress in Photovoltaic systems: integration, operation, life cycle assessment”
“Near Zero Energy Ports: Reality or Utopia?”

Jiří Jaromír
“Increasing the Efficiency of Renewable Energy Sources to Reduce Environmental Footprints of Heating, Cooling and Ventilation of Buildings“

“Resilience and flexibility as part of a decarbonization strategy”

“Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of extensive energy refurbishments of existing buildings: some brief spots for Mediterranean cities”

Marcos Eduardo
Gonzalez Trevizo
“Lessons towards the built environment decarbonization in emerging economies”
We are proud to announce that general Co-Chair of the SpliTech2022 edition (7th International Inter- national Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies) is distinguished professor Mattheos Santamouris from University of New South Wales in Australia. Professor Santamouris on of the leading researchers in the field of urban overheating and energy use in buildings and one of the top cited researchers. This year we are organizing mini Symposium dedicated to mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Download the special session flyer here.
Submit paper for symposium.
The annual appointment with the latest advances in the RFID field is enriched with an important novelty. From this year the Symposium changes its look and opens the doors to all those electromagnetic technologies that, like RFID, enable the IoT.
Download the flyer here to discover more.
Submit paper for symposium.
Symposium includes 6 special sessions:
- RFID and Electromagnetic Devices Empowered by AI techniques (Download flyer)
- Small antennas and RF sensors for IoT applications (Download flyer)
- RFID: a key technology for Society and Industry (Download flyer)
- Fusing RFID – Combining RFID with other technologies (Download flyer)
- The challenges of the Young Researchers in RFID and Electromagnetics for IoT (Download flyer)
- Electromagnetics for RFID and Smart Devices in Asia (Download flyer)

Organizer: Sandro Nižetić, University of Split, Croatia
International workshop is focused on the recent advancements in the field of the smart and efficient cooling techniques for photovoltaics as part of the ongoing research project funded by Croatian Science Foundation. Different important topics would be discussed and that are related to the smart cooling systems of the silicon-based photovoltaics with main emphasis on techno-economic, environmental and modelling aspects. Several internationally recognized researchers and project collaborators will present and discuss specific topics linked with ongoing research on the project (Smart and hybrid cooling techniques for siliceous photovoltaic panels-IP-01-2018-2814). Download the workshop flyer here.

Moderator: Sandro Nižetić
Speakers: Mattheos Santamouris, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Petar Sabev Varbanov, Yee Van Fan
The topics to be discussed cover at least briefly: writing a potential successful scientific manuscript, selection of a right journal and their metrics, various types of paper submission, Selecting and using the right references, similarity and plagiarism, correct novelty reasoning and presentation of the proposed methods and the results, proper conclusions writing, how to handle the reviewing process, final proofing, presentation and promotion of the published paper. Examples of successful publications will be given, with analysis of the features leading to their high impacts. The Workshop is going to be followed by dedicated consultations of specific and individual features. Download the workshop flyer here.
The goal of this tutorial is to provide the state-of-art about EMF safety compliance of WPT systems against international safety standards and guidelines, such as the ICNIRP and IEEE-TC95. In particular, the influence of the posture of drivers or bystanders in the EV, of the WPT coil position and configurations (aligned or misaligned) and of the EV chassis material will be considered.
Organizer: Valerio De Santis, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
Download the tutorial flyer here.
The presentation first starts with simple incident dosimetry procedures to estimate the field radiated by 5G systems. Next topic of interest is the calculation of incident power density (IPD) and related temperature increase in multilayer tissue model using different numerical methods based on the paper prepared by IEEE ICES working group and recently published in IEEE Access. The last part of the Tutorial will deal with stochastic-deterministic electromagnetic-thermal dosimetry in lower portion of GHz frequency range.
Organizers: Dragan Poljak and Anna Šušnjara, University of Split, FESB, Croatia
Download the tutorial flyer here.
The Blockchains and the Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) are gaining relevance in recent years stimulating research in various sectors. In fact, thanks to their technological infrastructure and protocols, they allow the simultaneous access, validation and updating of transactions and records throughout a distributed ledger database spread across several nodes on a peer-to-peer network.
Organizer: Teodoro Montanaro, Università del Salento, Italia
Download the tutorial flyer here.

University of Split, FESB,
Rudera Boskovica 32, 21000 Split

Hotel Elaphusa
Put Zlatnog rata 46, 21420 Bol
Island of Brac, Croatia

SpliTech 2022 Conference will be held in Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa, Bol and on Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), Split where special full-day event – IoT day will take place.
Options for trip from Split to Bol:
1) Fast boat directly from Split airport to Bol (Split express)
2) Fast boat directly from Split (town) to Bol (Jadrolinija)
3) Ferry from Split to Supetar and then take the bus from Supetar to Bol
For the individual transfer organization, you can contact the SpliTech associates from travel agency Nomago at:
*Nearest Airports:
Split Airport
Bol Airport
Hotel Elaphusa****, Bol
Conference center of Bluesun hotel Elaphusa is ideal for hosting all types of conference events and cultural manifestations. There are total of 5 conference halls. The largest hall has the capacity of 800 seats, while the other 4 can accommodate 10 to 120 people.
For the Conference participants SPECIAL PRICES will be applied. First-class hotel accommodation on the island of Brac.
Accommodation can be booked here.
* for paper registrations, applicable only if the paper is authored by students-only
- Prices are defined for live participation. In the case of a virtual conference attendance, 20 % discount will be applied to Academia and Industry Members, 30 % discount will be applied to Student Members
FESB, University of Split
Rudjera Boskovica 32,
21000 Split, Croatia
T. +385 21 305 632
F. +385 21 305 776
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